Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reloading: Rifle, Pistol

Along with the MEC 8567, I also "Early Inherited" a Dillon RL-450 press.
It came with many sets of dies and bullets, shells and powder. Once again, it is half assembled
and never having reloaded Rifle or Pistol rounds before I am beginning to think that shotgun and rifle/pistol reloading are very different. I have a box or two full of materials for reading but it is hard to know where to start.

I am sure there are a ton of gunnies out there who would love to have someone just plop all this stuff in their basement for them :) I really want to learn how to use this stuff, but I am definately going to have to get my dad back down here to finish what he started.


Carteach said...

You bet.... time to start studying.
I love reloading, but I have been doing it since before I could drive legally. Pull out a good manual, and read it carefully.

If by chance this helps.... I have a series of articles here that covers reloading rifle cartridges in some small detail.

Home on the Range said...

Hey carteach visited.. . listen to the man, he's the gun guru. .

and Barkley likes him.

MagiK said...

I'll definitely give it a read, thanks.

MagiK said...

Thanks for the link to me Brigid :)
I do appreciate your help, really. I won't be too surprised or disappointed if the blog never takes off, Im content, that I am learning things and have made one or two new friends.