Tuesday, September 30, 2008

By gone days of youth

Carteach0's recent blog post about his first BB Gun brought back a whole flood of memories.
As a kid I had the seemingly obligatory Red Rider type BB Gun, made famous in "A Christmas Story" and various other models that you could pump several times to increase the power.

I remember living on the Farm in Western Pennsylvania (near the home of Ground Hog day, Punxsutawney) part of the farm had been strip mined while we lived there and had an AWESOME area where there were huge piles of rock and shale before they restored the landscape along with a largish fresh rain water pond. This are provided endless hours of fun using little green army men and small pieces of shale to construct bunkers and forts for the little green guys, which I would then demolish from several yards away with the BB Gun sending in round after round of make believe artillery fire. :) Another favorite BB wasting pastime was Wasp hunting. After large thunderstorms we had huge puddles laying around on various parts of the farm with surrounding mud flats, mud wasps would proliferate on these shoals and gather mud or whatever it is they do, and I would pick them off. I would thereby eliminate a nuisance from the farm and enjoy the imaginary war theme I would construct (yeah I was a lonely kid out in the boonies on the farm) the BB's would make these beautiful craters and the sheer enjoyment cannot be explained to an adult, you just had to be a kid at the time to experience it.


machinehead1956 said...

My brother and I both had single pump BB guns. We used to go to the swamp behind the water tower in the town we lived in and hunt frogs, it was great fun. I also used to go to the town dump and shoot rats, the gun wasn't powerfull enough to kill them but it made them run away pretty fast. On the way back from one of those outings I got stopped by the police and the gun was confiscated. My Mom had to go to the station to get it back and I made sure I always cut through the woods after that instead of walking along the road.
My brother and I did the same thing with green army men except we used rocks. We each had a side and the one with the last man standing was the winner. Memories of a simpler time. :)

MagiK said...

In PA, the cops never bothered us, of course my home town onlyt had something like 500 or 600 people total in the surrounding area. I guess we were a township with smaller communities neqar by. But as a teen I would hike back into the woods with a 12 gauge semi-auto Browning and then come out of the woods at Main Street and walk along the road on the way back home, about a 10 mile circuit and an all day outing....much simpler times.

Oh dude, hows those Aircraft pics coming along?

machinehead1956 said...

I'll burn them this weekend along with about 4 cd's worth of armor.