Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Politcian screws his electorate.

While Spectre was never much more than a RINO anyway his announcement that he is becoming a democrat based on his principles is blatant self serving sophistry. He is switching parties because his electorate would in all likelyhood have dumped him for a real Republican. Im not happy with the Republican party but it is the closest thing to a winning Conservative branch that we have. Libertarian parties just do not have the masses needed to win an election on a national scale. This defection means that the republicans have no voice in office if the Dems dont want them to. with 60 seats they are filibuster proof. God help us now.

I find it especially devious and underhanded that this is how he did things:

Specter, 79 and in his fifth term, is one of a handful of Republican moderates remaining in Congress in a party now dominated by conservatives. Several officials said secret talks that preceded his decision reached into the White House, involving both Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden, a longtime colleague in the Senate. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell as well as Democratic leaders in Congress also were involved.

Secret meetings and closed door deals....to hide his intentions from those who elected him...perhaps tarring and feathering should not have gone out of style....too bad he doesnt have to face his constituents in public and in person to make such an announcement. Good riddance what a waste of skin.

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