Monday, April 13, 2009

What a Country

Sorry so quiet on this front but life has taken some twists.
A secure job in a gig that just got gaurenteed Government
funding went to crap as soon as the Big O' put his okie doke
onto the I and about 1000 other people are being outsourced.
roughly 40% of us will be picked up by the Big Blue outsourcee
and we all find out tomorrow night. Wheee.

If I dont get picked up by Big Blue, no big whup, I'll get 6 months of severance and
have 3 months of Paid Time off coming to me. I plan on taking a month off to
relax and enjoy life before job hunting if Im not one of the 40%.


machinehead1956 said...

Hey Magik, glad to see that you got picked up by Big Blue. Things are REAL slow where I work and it wouldn't suprise me if a layoff is in the works.

MagiK said...

Thanks MH, hopefully things will start to turn around. Though if the current Administration continues to put down our nations capitalist roots it may be longer than we hope. Good luck.

machinehead1956 said...

Well we had a layoff Friday. Lost the entire night shift in the Fab. shop - 11 total. Also lost 2 in the Machine Shop on nights and 5 on days - 18 total, that makes it around 50 since Christmas. :(

machinehead1956 said...

Off topic - lookie here Magik.

MagiK said...

Wow, very impressive MH, love the paint jobs. I really like the Hetzer's Always had a soft spot for that little tank killer....too bad the interior layout was so atrocious though, if they had re-worked it for a more central mount for the would have been a real terror in its day.

MagiK said...

Sorry to hear about the job cuts though.
Hopefully the O won't sink us before the next congressional election.