Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama says "The People" support

His Health Care take over...the polls seem to indicate that at best he has significantly less than half of the peoples support.

CNN: 39 percent.

CBS News: 42 percent.

Rasmussen: 41 percent.

Fox News: 35 percent.

Economist/YouGov: 48 percent.

Kaiser/PSRA: 46 percent.

NBC/WSJ: 36 percent.

Pew Research Center: 38 percent.


Home on the Range said...

I about choked on my coffee when I saw the USA Today headline in my hotel newspaper under the door. "Growing Support for Health Care" and then if you read down a ways it said only 39% supported it.

MagiK said...

The thing that really kicks me in the cajones is that these poll numbers are from the PRO Obama Media...What do you think an actual honest polling of citizens would show?