Friday, March 26, 2010

Administrations Banking Scandal

Obama is telling banks that they cannot foreclose on the jobless, and the banks are only too eager to comply...of course they are being strong armed but there's another little secret Banks are carrying hundreds of billions of dollars of debt declaring this debt "interest accruing asset". These "Assets" are homes that people are living in, and who have stopped paying their mortgage payments on. These people are spending the money that they should be paying on their mortgage on other things, some necessary some very frivelous like nice cars and plasma TV's. These people have no interest in or motivation to ever pay their mortgage and the Administration is OK with this because that money they are spending is artificially inflating the economic reports....once again our government is encouraging people and banks to rob Peter to pay Paul. Just as they are doing with health care, stealing from our childrens children to wrest control from the people to the ruling elite. The banks will never recover the money owed on those homes, and will eventually have to settle for pennies on the dollar. There is another crash coming and it is when these invented "Assets".

On a side note, Government Motors is SO confident in the value of their products that for the first time in my life it costs more to lease a Car than it does to finance and pay for it out right. You see a Lease is designed to allow you to pay only for the amount of use you get from the vehicle then turn it in and the company then resells it making even more profit.....unfortunately GM is not confident that they can turn a profit if they have to take back a leased vehicle.... Makes one understand why Government is the worst way to run a business.

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