Friday, May 15, 2009

My Last Day

For 10 years I worked for Kaiser Permanente, the first 4 years was a wonderful time, the management were people oriented, and cared about you and everyone in the shop was a friend or at least someone you could walk up to and say, hey! lets go grab a beer. Then The West Coast took over and Turned a Regional organization into a National one run out of California.

When California took over, one by one we saw all east coast Managers let go, to be replaced with faceless people on the opposite coast. We saw Management start to ignore the professional advice they were paying us to provide and to follow a strictly California Centric theme, one with lower efficiency and markedly lower Availability of servers. As the numbers and stats declined we saw Re-organization after re-organization as wave after wave of management came and went as things went down the tubes. Never once did the idea that the things that changed were at fault for the flagging statistics, no the problem was the people...the technical experts who were hired for some inexplicable reason could not meet the same numbers they once had. Never once did management consider the fact that they kept increasing the number of servers and continuously reduced the size of the support staff that over work might be the real issue.

But that is all in the past, to "FIX" what was broken the company decided to just outsource most of IT, believeing that the problem lay with the workers and not the management.....we will see how that works for them.

But for now, I am free, no longer is that big carrot of a pension out there encouraging me to endure abuse and over work, no incentive is out there to make me work unpaid over time or 12 hour exhaustive shifts rarely having time for a lunch break. No My new company doesnt have any kind of carrot other than the 401k I contribute to, and thus there is no stick big enough to induce me to work for free anymore.

For some perverse reason I am sad to be leaving Kaiser, it is probably the good memories from before it Nationalized, when we were family and we all worked together and had reasonable expectations of us....and a managementthat actually cared about employee satisfaction. We didnt need a union, we didnt need strong contracts, we just worked together....but that is over probably never to return. Now I take my UNIX Admin skills to whoever makes it worth my wile to work for them. Anyone know of a small company that interested in Quality over Quantity?

I feel free and liberated here is to the future.

2 comments: said...

Okay, I had to leave a comment. Take care brother. There will always be a need for a sharp UNIX admin like yourself.

MagiK said...

Thanks Dude, was hoping you saw my last day Ping in ST.