Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Post Turkey Day thoughts: Network Television

Watching Boston Legal last night and they hit on something that has had me mystified lately.
With the large number of boomers over 50, with the amount of disposable income they have available, why do the networks not Put programming on for them? Why is it that the only demographic they pitch to are the pubescent and young 20 somethings? Nearly all the shows I have liked have been pitched to small demographic groups, shows like Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Farscape, Treks, and the Stargates all of which had seriously diehard fans, all of which had story lines people of all ages could follow and all of which got less than 1/10 the promotional network backing they should have had.

Will the networks realize their untapped audience before Television peters out and no one bothers to watch at all? They are moaning about low viewership, and yet seem to be ingnoring the largest group of potential watchers. I just do not get it.


Home on the Range said...

See today's post. Most of what is on is poorly researched and plotted, more concerned by good looking personalities (I had to call many of them "actors) than substance or any wit.

One show that I found amusing was "Dead Like Me". No one else seems to have seen it, so I may be alone in my appreciation for the humor there.

MagiK said...

Are you kidding me? C and I bought that series on DVD, they are supposed to be restarting it in '09.

As with most of your other Reading and watching lists, We are in sync ;)