Normally I am energetic and enthused for National Elections. This time around I feel as if I have lost that energy that I normally feel. To anyone who knows me, it is obvious that I could never support Mr. Hopeychange nor any other wannabe socialist in the Democratic party. I think Zel Miller was the last Dem I had any real respect for. McCain an honest to goodness war hero has my gratitude and respect on that account but he is about as conservative as my aunt Shirley who used to be my uncle Bob.
I am not sure if it is just the lack of a candidate that will stand firm on our Constitutional Rights or if it is just that I am getting older and have just seen this play too often. I honestly respected and admired Ronald Reagan as the archetype of what a "True American" ought to be. He was up front about his opinions and he was a real man in a world of girleymen and metro-sexuals but I really don't think that the Republicans will ever get back on track for conservative values. (and Im not talking about pushing religion and right to life issues, I mean Constitutionalists). To vote for the Libertarians is just a waste of time, although on a local and some times even State level it is doable.
I just find it very dificult to be optimistic about the direction the Nation as a whole is moving. It is all too easy for me to just focus on finishing out my professional carreer, and then downsizing and moving out into the open spaces, keeping to myslef and enjoying the shooting range that I will have in the back yard, reading and watching old movies.
Join the dark side. . we have cookies?
That's an expression that my best friend and I use all the time. . never heard it anywhere else.
Good Eyes, I only had that up for a second till I realized that I need to re-size the graphic. :)
Till then you will have to settle for my 2nd favorite .50 toy.
Both good photos. I had to add a cookie picture to my side bar.
It's shaping up nicely.
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