Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Odessy begins (Digital Stom Online)

The following is a fanciful log of the process to order my Digital Storm computer, something to entertain the Forum members and myself while I waited for this custom computer beast to be assembled. This process took quite a while as it was to utilize a brand new never sold before Liquid Chilled cooling system for the CPU which allowed the system to Overclock to 4.6GHz while maintaining very cool hardware temperatures to prevent thermal degradation.

These are the Continuing logs of the MagiK expedition into the uncharted realms of the DSO TEC Liquid Chilled Computer Systems.

11/16 Day 1 Great news, the expedition is fully funded and paid for, Stage 1

11/17 Day 2 The expedition mad eit through the first two stages and into the third today. Everyone is excited. All indications are that we might achieve our goal by the beginning of December. Stage 3

11/23 Day 7 Spirits are high and excitement is still running through the camp though in the background a very minor whisper of delays are in effect....we are still in the early phases of Stage 3.

11/30 Day 14 The excitement has worn off, though the expedition is still in good spirits. One expects some minor delays when venturing into the uncharted realms of super cooled liquid cooling systems. No contact has been received from the Builders of the new system, Expedition is still listed as being in the early phases of stage 3.

12/8 Day 22 The excitement and buzz is pretty much gone now, the crew is still looking forward to the expedition, but it has become routine now. A few members murmur of the possibility of not making the Christmas Deadline but I the captain remain hopeful that DSO will deliver the goods before 12/24. The expedition is still listed as being in the early phases of Stage 3.

12/15 Day 29 Oh my god, they killed Timmy!!!!! The bastards! In the middle of the night the camp was raided by Digital Stealth Ninja Penguins....the carnage was indescribable...they stormed in and went straight for poor Timmy, Timmys pet Collie came to me and told me Timmy had fallen down a well, but by the time I realized what was really going on the the DSNP had dragged Timmy out of camp to feed . No biggie though no one really liked Timmy anyway not even his dog, which explains why the dog was telling me he had fallen down a well.....any way I digress. Timmy's lack of popularity explains why the Penguins were not molested in any way in their forray into camp. On other Expedition news fronts. No reported movement on the Stage 3 issue.....we are still officially stuck waiting for stage 4 to be implemented. There were some changes to my configuration suggested to DSO that were made to prevent more delays and I received assurances that this expedition would see fruition by Christmas day.

12/17 Day 31 During a routine air drop of supplies, a pair of the Ditial Stealth Nija Attack Penguins launched a third penguin into the low flying planes engine intake...while the spray out the back of the engine was very pretty a nice shade of crimson spread agross the snow below, this caused the Digital Storm Supply plane to crash...on the up side we found a bit of paper stuck to the fusalage near the sewage port of the plane.....Apparnetly our Expedition has reached STAGE 4!

12/20 Day 34 Snow and Ice, arctic temperatures and persistant raids by savage wild penguins has really bogged the crew down. Our supply tent was stolen by a rare giant Antarctic Polar bear, we last
saw it being hauled away by two Killer whales that the Giant Polar Bear had harnesed and was using like
self powered water ski's. There have been rumors that the Expeditions water supply may have been contaminated with hallucinogens but I find these rumors highly unlikely. This evenings sing alog was topped off by a broadcast from the DSO home office. The Expedition has reached Stage 5.

12/22 Day 36: Freak blizzards and massive snow storms have struck our supply line, All hopes of resupply by 12/24 had been scuttled. Crew and assorted attack Penguins are engaged in skirmishes
around the camp, Flames everywhere, it appears the expedition is sunk.....but wait....a brilliant light has
pierced the snow filled winds, and is driving back the attack penguins....what is going on.....A white robed
figure riding a white horse appeared and has parted the clouds with his shimmering staff, the suns rays come down and bathe the crew in warmth and send the attack penguins running in fear. The rider looks around, nods to himself and then rides off....I see a name tag on his back, it reads "Alex" As he is about to disappear he gestures and I hear is voice in my ear as if he were standing right next to me. He said
"We will over night it at our expense tomorrow, for you are at STAGE 7!!!"

I have to comment that the cost of overnighting this huge thing is no trivial cost it is many hundreds of dollars. But it is the dedication of the DSO team that they want to keep their word that this system makes it to me by 12/24/10