Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Too many people ignornat about the tax sysetem

You now, for years I have realized that if the government had not instituted the practice of
with holding taxes from the employer side, so that tax payers don't really realize just how much of their income gets stolen away, we would have as a nation rioted long ago.

If people had to sit down each month and write a check to the IRS for their share of the tax, a lot of lefty weenies would suddenly find themselves switching sides of the aisle. Alas and alack the following is all too common.

"Because of income tax withholding, many taxpayers have long since begun looking at tax refunds as a “gift” from the state or federal government, which can’t necessarily be counted on but which is a nice surprise when qualified for and received. Few taxpayers indeed recognize tax refunds for what they are: repayments of a debt incurred when the federal or state government took more money from a worker’s paycheck than they were entitled to."

Remember people this is OUR money, not the Governments, it is OUR work, and OUR sweat that earned this money and Government has become increasingly vulgar about stealing it away from us and misusing it....giving it to dead beats and free loaders and setting themselves up in lavish life styles. Our leaders should not be living in luxury far beyond the means of the average citizen. Raging against the wind I guess, because the fact is, each day I grow older and less relevant to the situation, I have already done what I can to try and fix things, and its time for the next generation of sheep to realize they are not sheep. How to get that message out? I don't know but when you have "Octo-Mom" out there maintaining she is "NOT ON WELFARE" and yet has no job and subsists on government handouts and always has since she was a child....It is hard to see any hope.

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