Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dems and Liberals diplay extreme lack of class

Not really a surprising thing really, I've always known that the least polite and civilized people I have met were Libs and Democrats. Rude, obnoxious and plain lacking in civility.

The adoring masses gathered at President Obama's inauguration yesterday completely trashed the National Mall, the litter looks like some 3rd world nation where people have never seen a trash can. So much for the concern of the planet these bozos claim to have an exclusive on. Then there is the complete lack of respect and civility for the departing president, chanting and singing in derision. It was a disgrace and to me an ultimate display of ignorance. All this after President Obama made a speach telling us, we are all in this together and we have to work together.

Got news for ya buddy, you have to give respect to get it, and so far your adoring masses haven't earned squat.

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