The mood struck me so Im writing about our civic duties. The founders of the United States all believed in a citizens duty to bear and use arms. Not just to hunt food, or target practice, but to ensure equality among all men, to protect and defend your own.
Somehow over the decades the idea that one should protect oneself has become contorted into a "You must retreat and give up your home and goods" not stand and protect your family and property and possibly kill evil doers. Somehow it has become evil, to stand against "The poor unfortunates" that wants to forcibly take your property and / or lives.
Some liberals argue the Founders didn't know that Weaponry would become automatic or semi-automatic and more lethal than that possessed in the 1770's. These people are ignoring the words that were spoken and written by the founders, they clearly wanted Men (and women) to be armed sufficiently to not only fend off the wild hoards of groundhogs and pheasents in this Nation, but even GOVERNMENT troops if the need should rise.
Arming oneself is a duty and an obligation. Anyone worthy of being called a Man or Woman should own and know how to use a firearm. Abdicating your safety and protection to a slow to react police force is unwise at Best. The police are there not to protect YOU in a dangerous situation, but to clean up the mess and protect those others who survive the immediate danger..to contain the threat from society at large.
It is our duty to own and know how to use the best arms available to us. It always has been, despite what the Hoplophobes, Hollywood sissies and Washington Weenies want us to think.
So lets all do our duty and go out there and buy more guns, lets go to the range and hone our skills. It is the least we should do to be real men and women and not little children for the nanny State to take care of.